I have been away for a while but life has been a bit crazy. The reason I am back is that it finally hit me that in a little over a month I will be 50.
I now have two grand children and my youngest will graduate high school this year.
I fear my mood swings may indicate pre-menopausalness and the grey that springs from my scalp (covered every 6 weeks by blonde) hints that I am in fact old. I have to decided to chronicle my trip into old age here and hope others who feel the same will find some comfort in the fact that they are not the only mood swinging, weight gaining, hair graying people out there.
This year (2020) has been a whirlwind! The Covid hit for starters and my anti-tech brain had to learn super fast the joys of teaching online. My youngest is a Senior in high school and sports are his thing. So along with the usual Senior stuff I am an officer for the Quarterback Club (we raise money to support the team) and I am the photographer for the team also. I also just had my second grandson.
In true Jones fashion he came in with a bang. No visitors due to Covid. He didn’t have enough of a protein that opens the lungs and was life flighted to another hospital ICU. He was given the protein and began to improve quickly. He was kept for 4 days and is home doing fine. I just began my 28th year of teaching and this may be one of the most challenging classes I have ever had, even without the distance learning. (We are in class but have had quarantined students throughout this first quarter.) Just a few points to show the craziness that is our life right now.
Tomorrow I begin a new diet because the pants are a touch tight, I am always tired and well just feel fat. I am trying the Galveston Diet and tomorrow I begin fasting 16-8 style. That’s phase I. I plan to keep my blog updated and hope it helps others as well as my waist size and perpetual tiredness.
I still think being OKiest suits me. I am just no feeling OKiest at this point and hope to get back there soon!